Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Snowcoat 3 (Genesis 1:11,12)

I remember the years of plentiful berries. The tundra, the special spots where the berries were a little bigger. There were a few fun things to observe, such as pockets of buried berries, where the little shrew or lemming reached the booty before you did! The cranberry is such a deep Christmas-red! Picking these berries was even more fun due to the color. Some people tried a berry-picker. I didn't enjoy doing so, for the vines were disturbed and more work would be needed to clean the container of berries. We would place a gallon container in our back-pack, then pick into a smaller container, and dump into the bigger one until it was full. Of course we would take a lunch-break enjoying smoked salmon strip or a salmon sandwich (with home-made bread or pilot bread .) And if that doesn't sound good to you, a PBJ sandwish tastes good, too. There was a time we could drink water from a creek or spring. But today, one must be aware of giardia or beaver fever. And it may be best to include a bottle of water from home. We didn't know of any bottled water such as they have in stores today. And if we could have known, we surely wouldn't think of purchasing water.

A friend or neighbor was with us most of our berry-picking time. Our neighbor always told us to keep the head up. Look around. There were several reasons for that. It was easier to keep one's eye on the berries, and pick as fast as you can. Besides, if she looked around, we wouldn't have to. And her dog would bark should a bear get in the way...maybe... Or would he tuck the tail between his legs and head for home. I have to believe he would have stood his ground in a grand effort to protect his owner. Regardless, we learned to be aware of our surroundings, and the beautiful creation we were privileged to enjoy.

Every kind of berry, edible or non-edible, has its own detailed design and purpose. We learned to recognize the similarities and differences not only in berries, but in tree, plant, fish and animal.
One thing is certain:

God made everything "after its kind." Genesis 1:11,12.


Connie Marie said...

Fun times and yummie food!
Enjoyed hearing that Kim ran into you two! What a blessing, and double too.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful little coffee table book you could make with these entries and some photos to go along with them...they are a breath of fresh air to me. I love hitting "enter" and seeing that there is a new post!

Connie Marie said...

...so what's up over here? hmm? hah?