Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why SnowCoat

I remember the thrill of first snowfall. Huge flakes falling from the sky. Someone explains: "There are no two snowflakes alike." How can that be when there are so many? Each snowflake has a design of its own. Each has a beauty all its own. The snow continues until the ground, the trees, the pathway, the flowers... Each wears its own coat of snow. Everything looks clean, white and beautiful.

Time and again, an added cover blankets all. God has blessed us.

Scripture: "Hast thou entered into the treasuries of the snow?" Job 38:22.


Connie Marie said...

I already know from your first post that yours is going to be a spiritually refreshing stop online this internet highway.

Thanks for your words this morning and may God bless your little blog.

Anonymous said...

We love that we can hear from you each day now!